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Inheriting his father's position at the BMB, Blank expanded its activities and expenditures, setting aside money for graft , and allowing his staff to engage in accounting fraud. He believes that this claim was credible, in that Stoicescu always opposed state intervention in favor of the BMB. As argued by Argetoianu, Blank purposefully spent his own money on far-leftist causes, so as to undermine the Romanian state. In , he was sentenced to 20 years for high treason, but managed to have that verdict overturned in This period saw Blank marginalized, and resulted in additional scrutiny of the BMB affair, at the end of which he was sentenced to pay million lei in damages. toate farsele lui buzdugan

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Aristide Blank - Wikipedia

Here, he met Pandrea, who recalls: XXII, Issue 11,p. However, Galaction failed to keep up with the writing schedule.

This included a BMB loan for the reconstruction of Bukovina Jewish property, for which Blank offered a reduced interest. Born in Bucharest on the first day of [1] New Style: As reported by Sebastian, the passage of antisemitic legislation was played down by Blank, who argued that the "continuation of the Goga government" was in then Jews' best interest, since "what would come after it would be infinitely worse.

Beginning in the early s, Blank cultivated Crown Prince Carolwho took over as King of the Romanians after a coup. Constantin ArgetoianuMemorii.

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His shares in the company were then handed in as a loan collateral to the Romanian state. Views Read Edit View history. Editura Minerva He believes that this claim was credible, in that Stoicescu always opposed state intervention in favor of the BMB.

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Blank slowly lost his influence at the court, allegedly because he no longer had enough funds left for garsele Carol's enrichment schemes. L'union des Roumains", in Le GauloisDecember 8,p. After reading his comments, Blank employed Iorga as his editorial adviser.


DucaAmintiri politice, Ipp. Shortly before the BMB's crash, Carol returned home abruptly, deposing his son nuzdugan taking over as King. As reported by Argetoianu, he effectively managed and often misused the Prince's bank accounts.

Argetoianu noted that Blank's political agenda involved keeping a low profile, but also that he was regaining his influence on Lupescu, even as Wieder was losing his. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Cella called her husband Aladinand noted that she fulfilled all her financial demands; with her new-found wealth, she funded her own literary club, called Maison d'Art.

A Council of Regents oversaw matters relating to the court; one of its members was Gheorghe Buzduganwho, indeclared having "particular high esteem for Aristide Blank, the banker who is a remarkable personality, a man with a big heart and a philanthopist. Iorga viewed it as a superior work of art, but noted that its selection of prints displayed "banality" and a "lack of familiarity with all newer discoveries regarding Romania's past".

This page was last edited on 27 Septemberat Retrieved from " https: Argetoianu himself was eventually replaced after proposing that the BMB merge with other credit enterprises into a single private entity supervised by the National Bank. A LANC newspaper covered the event, noting: Following the establishment of Greater Romania, Aristide and Mauriciu sold BMB to a rival firm, but continued to hold tote shares between them. As Argetoianu claims, the king eventually grew aware that Blank was not fully competent, but continued to seek his advice.

OrneaAnii treizeci.

Aristide Blank

It also noted that Blank was spreading rumors that buzdugam state bank for garsele, Creditul Industrial, needed to be restructured; allegations emerged that this was a deliberate attempt create market panic, so that a new Creditul could then refinance Blank's own projects.

A doctrinaire on economic matters, Blank served as a trustee of the Academy of Economic Studies —and also oversaw a committee for the administration of penal facilities — Once his request was denied, he publicized Manoilescu's conflict of interest and pushed for an audit.

He entertained and dined cultural figures, including writers Scarlat Froda and Mihail Sebastian —in his diaries, the latter refers to Blank as a "poser". Upon the expedition's end, Blank Jr helped to establish and finance two BMB naval transport enterprises—respectively operating on farswle Black Sea and the Danube.

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