Sunday, 17 November 2019


Ajo akasher patho bahi, lyrics Gauri Prasanna Mazumdar. The first song 6 begins with Raag Kafi and then switches to folk. After the erudite commentaries by N Venkataraman ji, Utpalendu Gupta ji, and others, there is scarcely anything that I can add. I am feeling gratified that SoY has brought some of these gems to non-Bengali speaking fans. The reason could be while his voice and the sarangi create a sense of pathos, the tabla beats might create a contrary impression. In the year , due to heart attack, S D Burman did not give music in any Hindi film. tumi r nei shei tumi mp3

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Therefore, I term them as pure Bengali songs.

Come back to me I say these words with utter grief Now that you have left me I weep in anguish and at my own fate! The forests dance with spring And here I am, and nek is my mind filled with the grief of separation. I was so charmed by the sound of jhan jhan sounding like the strumming of a string instrument that even jhanjhat sounded very musical to me. Lyrics Ki kori aami ki kori Bone phagun mone aagun Paley paley dahe mor bhigi bhigi jiyare Na gouri haye baachibi Ki kori aami ki kori Bone phagun mone aagun Sajani bol rajani bol Tumi dere shaje re Aami baere aami jaar boli Jaley jaley kaandi ri Ki kori ami ki kori Bone phagun mone aagun Eka phiri ami ghori Biraha hoe shoteen re Bone phagun mone aagun Translation Oh destiny!

Would you like to fill up the gaps in some others too? This is what he had absorbed in his childhood, and this was his natural habitat.

tumi r nei shei tumi mp3

The rustling nascent leaves revive that waning tune, The beloved who was near, had gone far away, Yet I beckon her back, to my dream bridal chamber, Like the bird pierced by arrow, my soul bleeds, I stay awake in solitude.

Harvey has written an excellent post on his film songs. We should thank YT and the uploaders profusely for bringing these gems selflessly in public domain.

tumi r nei shei tumi mp3

But let me tell you it has been absolutely delightful, more so because there are so many rasiks to enjoy it with me. May come back if there is something worth sharing. Eka phiri ami ghori Biraha hoe shoteen re Bone phagun mone aagun. I feel this song is an ode celebrating death.

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The year was also an important year in the life and career of S D Burman. Nevertheless, I have taken the help of a friend to provide meaning of some these songs.

Your mesmerizing persona has made a special place in my heart. Both the songs are mesmerizing, especially the way in which S D Burman has rendered the song, penned in free verse 5. While his film songs number 15, his Hindi non-film songs are over 25, and range from classical to semi-classical thumri to bhajan to folk to romantic geets. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Two lyricists in tandem and contrast.

I am feeling gratified that SoY has brought some of these tumii to non-Bengali speaking fans. I hope someone there notices this, as providing the link here must be reflecting there.

But at the persuasion of Ashok Kumar he decided to defer his return to Calcutta, after completing the music for Mashaal, The music and all the songs of Mashal were super hit.

Here is its translation done by our Mr N Venkataraman. Those days my favourite Bengali singer was Hemanta Mukherjee who was at the peak of his singing prowess and popularity; yet his 78 rpm discs Shdi could buy for Rs 4.

Tumi Aar Nei Se Tumi

I am happy you found the post interesting and useful. He did not provide the name of the persons who did it, so I am not able to thank them by name. After the erudite commentaries by N Venkataraman ji, Utpalendu Gupta ji, and others, there is scarcely anything that I can add. Who could give expression to this pain better than SD Burman?

Tumi Ar Nei Se Tumi

So this posting has helped me know the meaning of some of these songs. You have given me a new insight to appreciate it because of onomatopoeic words. Most of these songs have achieved everlasting popularity, without the listeners becoming aware of their original source. The only person who suei have comforted in such a situation is the beloved who is not there.

We will take a rain cheque on your promise for more at another moment of your choosing. It is a pure coincidence that I have managed to cover five decades of his career. Songs of the 30s through the 60s.

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